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My Annual Soap Box Rant


As you all know I am not a fan of the holiday shopping frenzy. It has gone from the day after Thanksgiving to the day of, and it’s only going to get worse. I am saddened to see shelves lined with Christmas decorations before we even experience Halloween. That has been the case for years, but soon they will start stretching it into the summer and before long, the holiday crap will just stay on the shelves year round.

Now retailers are open on Thanksgiving, forcing their employees to work, instead of enjoying dinner with their children and reconnecting with old friends. Most of the sales are to get people spending and it’s all on big ticket items, such as TV’s and appliances. That’s not exactly what the spirit of giving is all about.

My request is that you fight the urge to shop the week of Thanksgiving. There will still be huge sales during the month of December; there always are. If that is not too much to ask, then I also ask that you start shopping at Mom and Pop stores and keep your money out of the big retailers grubby little hands. If that is too much for you, then shop online! It is simple, convenient and they even gift wrap most items. That is much better than you driving into the mess of chaos and fighting the crazy crowds of assholes. If you just think about it, it will make your season much more enjoyable, and I will be overjoyed! Plus, then you’ll have more time to spend with me online. I mean, seriously, think about it!

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