My Blog

A List of Overdue “Thank You’s”

I’ve been amazed at the generosity of people I’ve met through my online world. Whether it be daily on cam, or weekly at the mail box. You guys are a generous lot of fella’s! It means a lot to me, and I have thanked you all individually, but I feel it should also be a blog post. Over the last couple weeks I’ve had gifts coming in, for no other reason than just because!

BillinTexas, I love the bracelet and wear it with everything! I love, love, love elephants. Thank you!


Hotrod, the elephant earrings are adorably cute and have quickly become my favorite pair right now. I mean, how could they not? They wiggle and even have a tail! Now, that is personality!


MtnMan, you sent gifts while you were in the mountains hunting. You are amazingly giving and thoughtful. Thank you!




Each gift, regardless of elephant love, or panties and socks, are appreciated equally and worn often! I wear the panties, socks and the jewelry, regardless of whether or not I’m on cam or going out to dinner.

Thank you, all!

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