My Blog

Tomorrow Night

Change: Show will be Thursday at 11p EST

I need to push the member’s show back a few hours. I am so sorry that this has become somewhat normal for me. I think it probably bothers me, more than it does you, but I hate feeling like a flake. There are plenty of those around and I pride myself in not being one. lol.

We have been trying to do dinner with another couple for over three weeks now and each week it seems that Tuesday is the only day that works for everyone, except for me. I have to give Devil credit, each week he forcefully reminds them that Tuesday’s are mine and I don’t do schedule mishaps, when it can be avoided. However, I see him at poker on Wednesday’s and for three weeks we’ve looked at the calendar and Tuesday is what works the best.

Just like the last two Monday’s Devil gets a call asking about dinner tomorrow night. I’ve decided that Tuesday is the only day to have dinner with our friends, and they really are good people, so I will push our date night back a few hours.

Most of you are flexible, which I appreciate, but I also understand that it changes your evening plans, too. I apologize for that. *hugs*

Here is my question for you. If I do it on Tuesday, it should be for midnight EST just to ensure that I am home by then. If that doesn’t work, then how about Thursday at 11p EST?

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