My Blog

The Unluckiest Day of Them All!


Whoa! I have gone all day realizing today was the 13th and that it was Friday, but I just now put the two together. It is Friday the 13th, oh no! Okay, so it got me to wondering where this fear of a date and day combination came from. I mean, why not Monday the 13th? I think that is by far worse than any Friday, but that is just me. Apparently, no one is completely sure as to where the superstition originated but if I were to wager a guess, I would say in a far, far away village, with no court jester to entertain the kids with. So, the adults gathered themĀ around a camp fire, under a grove of trees, on a foggy night, with a black cat lurking about. And said “BOO”! The kids scampered about, running into each other and stepping on the cat, which caused them bad luck because from that night forward the feline lurked in the shadows of the night and leaped out to scratch their eyeballs out…

Or, it could have nothing to do with the cat and everything to do with Christianity. What? Of course. Something about Even gave Adam the apple on a Friday, but weeks were not broken into days at that time. So, that is a made up belief. Also, Jesus was crucified on Friday, but again, days were not “invented” when that occurred. Another made up belief. Basically, no one knows why Friday is thought to be an evil day and my story is the truth.

Also, just in case you guys are having 13 people over for T’giving, that is bad luck and I advise against it. Something terrible will happen. May I suggest you invite a random single to the table to make it 14 people? I’d say just slam the door on the 13th, but no one should ever eat alone on the day to feast! Oh! I have the perfect solution! If there is no 14 then you could have 11 at the main table and 2 at the kiddie table. That fixes that!


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