My Blog

Happy Thanksgiving – 2015!


For my friends in the states, here’s wishing you and your family a wonderful and very happy Thanksgiving! May your day be filled with tons of food and loved ones. Now, with that said, I hope you’re only forced to be around those you actually want to spend time with. haha. If you have to endure that one family member that makes your blood boil, remember, it’s my favorite day of the year! Today is the one day when nothing else matters…and drink a lot of hard liquor. May I suggest you go straight for the whiskey? lol.

For those of you, who are my friends, but not in the states, I hope you’re having an amazing day and that you’re not forced to be around anyone you don’t want to be around because, well, it’s not Thanksgiving and I don’t have a good pep-talk for you…but, whiskey helps if you’re having a terrible day, I’ve been told. LOL.

I found an old post from 2013 that I thought was worth posting again.

2013: Happy Thanksgiving!

Instead of giving you another history post, which I’m sure I’ve done for this holiday several times as it is, I’ve decided to go another route. Over the years I’ve become more open with you, regarding who I am and my life outside of this world. Although, they’ve merged into one, they’re still somewhat different. I used to keep it strictly to my weekly updates and travels but now I share my everyday life with you.

What I’m thankful for:

I’m thankful for the life I have, not the one that was given to me, but the one I’ve created. I’ve worked hard to find my way and to become who I am. To have the confidence to know I’m not perfect but to be happy from within. I’m lucky to have Devil, but he’s also lucky to have me. I’m grateful to those of you who have been with me since the beginning (2006) and those who have just joined me in the last year. I’m always blown away at the kindness you all show me, not just in generosity, but in the continued moral support. I’m thankful to be able to share my life with you all and feel connected on a personal level, and to know that without you, I wouldn’t be doing this. You guys have become a part of who I am, on and offline, and I’m thankful to have the wisdom to know that and to be thankful for the gift you’ve given me.

Thank you for always reading my blog, looking forward to the weekly updates and for joining the member shows. You guys are so incredibly good to me.

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