My Blog


I enjoyed dinner last week, even if it was quick and never mentioned afterwards. It always means a lot that you take the time out of your very busy schedule to drive an hour, one way, to meet me at a local restaurant. Not only are you great company, but you always bring a care package! Now, last night you mentioned that you are terrible at gift giving, so you always give food. We need to discuss that poor attitude of yours, regarding your thoughtfulness. First of all, a gift is many things. It is your time, your care packages that sometimes includes socks and it is most certainly food of any kind! A gift is not only material items, baby. That is not what it is about. To me a gift is anything, and sometimes nothing at all!

PS: I request that you bring a bag of home made chex mix to dinner the night before the annual party. This will be mine, not to be shared with 30 party-goers, but maybe my fella’s….

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