My Blog

The Party

This year we had a lot going on leading up to the night of the birthday celebration, and it was still a huge success! We had friends drive in from Houston, north Austin and Dawn and Rob from Phoenix. The amount of people who turn out for the annual party always warms my heart. Most are friends of ours that we have known for years, but tend to lose touch with throughout the year, except for this party and they still join us.

It was cold and windy, keeping clothes on for the most part. There was mention of it being tame, compared to years past, but crazy and wild depends on the group and atmosphere. This year it just so happened people were in groups and not getting naked.

I did my fair share of drinking and doing tequila shots with Rob and joining in on Dawn Marie’s famous jello shots with the group. Needless to say, the evening after we ate is somewhat of a blur. I do know that I had fun and Rob and I recreated an epic photo of years past. I will share that with you soon!

Red was a huge help and cleaned the kitchen, making my Sunday much easier than it would have been. MtnMan wouldn’t stop checking the fires and picking up after the rest of us. Thank you to you both!

CmdrGree – thank you so much for adding an extra day to your business trip so you could join us. You were a great addition to the crazy night.

Red – it is always a pleasure to see you and I hope that you enjoyed yourself when not cleaning up Devil’s mess. I know that your schedule is in constant motion of chaos and it means a lot to me that you make time for us. The cake was a huge success and everyone has mentioned it during chat this week; Devil even raved over it, more than once! The pecan pie was amazing, as it always is. Thank you!

Cliff – You drove down on your birthday and that means more to me than you know! It was great to see you throughout the weekend and I hope you will continue to join us in the three-birthday celebration. The rolls were amazing, as always! I just had the last one this morning!

Lefty – I am still amazed that you drive down for the party and after we say our g’byes you make the return trip. All in one night! It means a lot to me that you go through the effort to come out for a night of shenanigans. I enjoy you and love your spirit!

Bubba – thank you for letting me exploit your birthday again! I am glad Dave joined you and hope you both had a good time, despite there being no fire dance.

MtnMan – I am glad that you were able to make a week out of your trip and that you spent quality time with Rob and Dawn. They are good people, as are you. It was a wild and crazy week and you never complained, but always jumped up to take care of any party prep needed. Thank you!

Hedo – you were greatly missed! *hugs*

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