My Blog

Good Grief!

It seems I have been displaced for over a month now, because it has been exactly 1 month, since the start of the shower build. We had the shower finished enough for company to use it and after a week long party, we started the drywall and finishing touches. Once I was able to get in and clean up the mess of construction, Devil decided to start the deck build, which will be a nice addition to the studio. However, that took precedence over cleaning, so that was on hold for another couple days. Today we finished the deck, with the exception of stairs, and now the studio is clean enough for me to reclaim my space! I hope that the start of next week gives me the order in my life that I need to function, before I have an unscheduled breakdown. lol.

Wish me luck because that is sure to change as soon as I wake up on Monday.

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