• dwwindsor


    0730-0930-watched the Sunderland-Manchester United match
    0930-0945-pondered the concept of brushing the snow off the
    0945-1000 pondered the concept of getting a haircut
    1000-1200-watched the Everton-West Bromwich Albion match
    1200-1215-looked out the window and pondered the concept of
    brushing the snow off the car
    1215-1400- watched the Chelsea-Newcastle match
    1400-1430- brushed the snow off the car, salted the front steps
    1430-1500- watched my wife make steak and potatoes
    1500-1530-watched myself eat steak and potatoes
    1530-1545-pondered the concept of getting a haircut
    1545-1700-conducted prolonged observation of the back of my
    1700-1730- pet the dog
    1730-2100-conducted business related work
    2100-2300-watched an episode of Inspector Lewis
    2300-2310-ponded the concept of brushing the new snowfall
    off the front porch, steps and car
    2311-began an extended observation of the back of my eyelids


    0630-0830-watched the Leicester City-Arsenal match
    0830-0900-pondered the concept of getting a haircut
    0900-1100-watched the Aston Villa-Chelsea match
    1100-1130- pet the dog
    1130-1330-watched the Tottenham-Manchester City match
    1330-1335- brushed the snow off the car
    1335-1350-went to get a haircut, 1 hour and 45-minute wait
    1350-1520-went to eat at a local Tumbleweed, never been
    there before, my shadow will never again lay across their threshold
    1525-1555-had a haircut, many hairs cut
    1610-1615- arrived home and pet the dog
    1615-2100-conducted business related work
    2100-2300-watched Danish murder mystery, “Unit One”
    2300-2305-looked at dog and cat while dog and cat looked at
    2305-initited extended study of the appearance
    of the back of my eyelids

    • lonestarangel

      LOL only you would give me a precise schedule of events. It is good that you pondered a haircut on Saturday and turned it into reality on Sunday. I have a question about you watching yourself eat steak and potatoes. Do you have a mirror on the table that allows you to stare back at yourself while you consume food?

      I am sorry to read that the local Tumbleweed was a disappointment. 🙁

  • cowboybubba

    Saturday I sat on the deck watching Dave move stuff from the old shed to the new shed. Then smoked some pork chops to have for dinner. Sunday I did pretty much the same as the day before. Except for the pork chops. I made a pizza on the grill.

  • iceman777

    Let’s see. Here in Vermont, on Sat the high temp was -4 degrees F below zero.. On Sunday, the high was -18 degrees F below zero . I worked both Sat night and Sunday night until 10PM and I had a great time. Yesterday, Tuesday Feb 16th we received 8 inches of snow up until 5AM or so then all rain afterwards. Needless to day it rained all day and melted 90% of all the snow on the ground, sucks. The bright side is, I was able to use my Honda ATV with a plow and salt spreader to plow my driveway and had a great time doing it. It’s unfortunate that winter has never arrived here in Vermont to date this year. I understand it’s going to be in the 90’s down there this week. Have fun y’all!

    • lonestarangel

      Fuck you. It is not going to hit 90 here this weekend. Do not curse me, for I have done nothing to you this week to deserve that kind of misery! lol.

      It seems like winter has pretty much skipped most of us, with the occasional blast of cold. My future holds a deeper hate of our summer, I am afraid.

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