My Blog

No Naps EVER

I don’t take naps. Not because I don’t want to, but because it will take me the rest of the day to recover. I’ll wake up more exhausted, grumpy and most likely angry at anyone I come into contact with. I’ve always been like this. It is nothing new. I wish I could power nap, or rest my eyes to refresh myself. I can’t, so I don’t.

This entire week I’ve been up early and on the go until I say “g’night” to you guys online. This afternoon Devil goes to take a nap and frowned when I said I’ll be in the living room. I have NEVER taken naps, unless I know I will be on couch the rest of the day. It turns out, I will not have the rest of the day to doze…

Against my better judgement, I joined him for a nap….

Thirty minutes later I am asleep and he is awake which means I am, too… In the last hour I have dozed just to be woken up a few minutes later. Now I am fucking annoyed and probably will be until tomorrow morning! I fucking knowĀ better.

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