My Blog

Weekend Outlook


I have been sitting in front of a blank screen for awhile now, trying to think of something fun and interesting to share with you. The truth is, I have not been able to think of anything because nothing comes to mind, but then I realized it doesn’t have to be about elephants to be amazing. lol. Just kidding, it really does take eles for that to be the case.

The week has been crazy busy with Devil’s pneumonia, the rain and other chaos (thrown in for good measure by Devil), but the weekend looks promising. I had planned to spend all day outside, but with all the rain, there isn’t much I can do until it dries out and I am not upset about any of that! I might spend an hour outside picking up after all of the rains, but then I hope to spend it on the couch… in between folding laundry. That is for Saturday and on Sunday I plan to be online for a good part of it.

Now that you know what my plans are, it is your turn to share your weekend outlook.

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