My Blog

Find Your Own Happy!

I have a fucking gripe. I am tired of those who wake up and their sole purpose is to be miserable and fucking complain. They look outside and see sunshine and rain on everyone else’s mother fucking parade.  If all you do is fucking complain every single day, then I no longer want to hear it because I simply do not give a fuck. We all have our stories, some sad, some better than others, some tragic, some in between. No matter what your story is, it is up to you to figure it out and find your happy. No one else can do that for you. I am not going to tell my story, but I am insanely happy because being sad does not suit me, nor does constant complaining over circumstance. I might sound like a complete asshole, but I own that.

If you complain to me and I continue to encourage you, just for you to give me five reasons why you have no options, I will eventually stop being an ear for you.

Those who do nothing but complain, when there is nothing to complain about, are those who I am talking to. If you occasionally have a bad day, or a week, hell even a month, then I want to hear it. But those who have bad weeks, don’t make it their life mission. #justsaying


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