My Blog

Ten Years Online!!!

G’afternoon! I hope this finds you doing well and enjoying your week. The month of April marks the tenth year of being online for me and I still cannot believe it. I am not sure where the time has gone, but I assure you, if it were not for those who have joined my site over the years, I would not still be here. Whether you join one time only, once every few months, or each month, I appreciate you all.

I have spent a lot of time trying to make this month special, not only for me, but for you guys. New joins will definitely benefit, however, I have a few surprises in store for current members, as well.

To kick off the month, all joins will now have access to “My Story” on Snapchat. This is a fun app that will allow you to see snippets of my day. It is anyone’s guess as to what I’ll be doing throughout the snaps, but I hope you will enjoy this new added bonus.

On Saturday, April 9th, there will be a ONE day sale of $14.95. This is an incredible sale because the only discount is in the rate, not the material. In that, I mean you will still gain access to 60+ websites, and the VNA schedule of LIVE daily cam shows.

Are you on kik Messenger? It is a FREE smart phone app that allows us to text each other without exchanging phone numbers. If you join my site between Friday, April 15th through Sunday, April 17th, you will have access to my kik ID. 

I will be sending out an EXCLUSIVE video to everyone who joins on Friday, the 22nd. This will be a video that I have made specifically for this special prize.

It may seem as though I am only rewarding new joins, but that is just not the case! There will be a special set dedicated to members ONLY that will be released on Tuesday the 26th. This set will not have a public teaser, so you have to be a member in order to enjoy this release.

I will also be selling panties for $25, which is greatly reduced for the month of April. Email me at for inquiries.

Thank you, for taking the time to read this special blog post. I hope that you are having a fantastic week and here is wishing you a very happy month of April!

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