My Blog

Well FUCK!

I thought this week was going to be a normal schedule for me, in that I wouldn’t be changing yours. That is not the case and I totally forgot that I was informed of that shortly before the VNA hour.

I am not sure how much I have shared with you all, but Devil has to have back surgery and it has finally been scheduled for May. He has an appointment with one of the surgeons tomorrow and I should go with him becauseĀ I want to know what to expect and how long he is expected to be down… mostly, I need to ask the surgeon how many weeks I am going to have to fight Devil to keep him off of his feet. That is going to be a battle, but it is a necessary evil to a full recovery.

Obviously, I won’t be home in time for our date night, but I will make it up to you on Friday, so you can expect a Bonus Thursday this week, too… no ripping you guys out of that Bonus Thursday!

I would like to say that I am going to get back to our old routine of having a set schedule, with no changes or surprises, but I will save that for May… when Devil is recuperating and not fucking up our plans. LOL.

Tuesday – NO SHOW (fucking Devil)

Thursday – BONUS (Streamate banner – 11p EST)

Friday – DATE NIGHT (Streamate banner – 11p EST)


Here is why it is beneficial when I have to flake on the normal schedule – I will do an extra 1 hour show next week. Probably on Streamate because I don’t want to fuck with my averages on VNA. lol.


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