My Blog

Several Rants, Rolled Into One

Read this post at your own risk. In that I mean, if you are easily offended with hurt feelings, or you have this sense it is ALWAYS about you, then do not read it. 

Gentleman, if you send me a message, you have to say more than “hi” if you want a response from me. I used to always roll my eyes and respond in kind because I feel everyone deserves attention. With that said, I know longer believe that, nor do I live by that creed. If you want a fucking conversation, then you need to have something more substantial to start one. You want to talk, then start it, but I am not going to spend 5 minutes with:

Him: hi

Me: hi

Him: HRU

Me: fine, thanks. You?

Him: Good . . .

Him: so, what do you want to talk about?

That is just silly and stupid. Just fucking come out with it in the first place or else I am ignoring you.

Also, if you want me to do something, you need to show me that you would do the same. Such as, fisting. If you want me to do that to myself, then I need to watch as you fist your asshole. That might sound painful, and it should because it would be incredibly uncomfortable marked with a ton of pain. That is only one example; here is another – an inanimate object. NO! Seriously, why does that even sound like something that would feel good? I understand that some want to abuse and see how far ladies online will go, especially when you are paying for it, but I have no desire to even consider it.

I have never responded well with suggestive orders. Online, from family members or even strangers in public. If you want me to do something, fucking say so, but beating around the bush or suggesting I might want to do something is going to result in the opposite. It is annoying. No. I do not want to do that. If I did, don’t you think I’d have considered it before you suggesting it? For fucks sake.

Anytime someone says, “your ass is lonely” I want to fucking punch the mother fucker in the throat! The only problem is, I’d be punching my computer screen. Instead, I just roll my eyes and stop reading what else enlightening things my ass is saying to the douche bag that is translating it for me. Or, “your ass wants dick so bad.” Really? Why would my ass tell you, but not me? That makes no sense. But, while we are playing this little charade of yours, you know what your dick really wants? It wants you to punch it as fucking hard as you can! DO IT! No? Okay then, but you started it.

I have no patience for someone who requires a ton of my attention, just to ignore everything I have said or given. If you READ the instructions on how to do something or directions to a location, then you would not be so fucking lost right now! If we are having the same conversation today, that we had 3 days ago, I am fucking annoyed!

If you contact me on Skype, without being given my ID, you do not have the right to want to chat me up each time I turn my computer on. You are also not entitled to free pictures or dirty talk. Come on. I am very flexible and always giving, but that is not a way to win me over. If you want pictures, join my site and if you want dirty talk for FREE, then show up to one of the many member shows I offer each week. If you want one on one, then find me when I am on cam. For fucks sake. Don’t be stupid!

It annoys me when people stalk social media, and then make an issue out of something said, and don’t confront me, but make a big deal out of nothing. Oh, and it especially annoys me when they don’t have an account. #passiveagressive

Dick pics. I don’t really need to fucking elaborate on that.


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