My Blog

Sunday-Fun Day!

G’afternoon!!! I have slipped on my blog, even though I have vowed to get back into my daily routine. I’d love to tell you that is going to change starting today, but that would just be another fib. It seems that there is more chaos in my life right now than what I can even manage and yesterday I checked out completely. I had a long list of stuff I wanted to do and instead I stayed in bed, annoyed with everyone, and watched TV while getting hugs from Tony.

I watched hours of “How to Get Away with Murder” even though that show is obnoxious and ridiculous. Unfortunately, now I want to know who the fuck killed the rich parents of adopted kids and who attempted to kill the main character, who I don’t like in any role, which is why it is stupid I even watched one hour of it, much less a full days worth. Holy fuck, that was a long sentence. Normally I’d correct it but this is me not giving much fucks today. At any rate, I am sucked into watching the rest of this season and I bet it will be a fucking cliff hanger because that is how terrible shows keep people watching their shit programs. Okay, I might still be in a mood.

I will be online this afternoon, but it won’t be a late, late night because I have to take Devil into Austin for a 730a appointment. That means we leave our house no later than 630 because everyone has decided to move to the hill country and they all commute. Let’s not car pool, that would make too much sense, and kids cannot ride the school buses that my tax dollars have paid for. That would teach them how to socialize with people outside of their parents status circle. Okay, I am most definitely still in a mood.

Tomorrow will be hard for me to pin down, just because I don’t know how long we will be in Austin for the appointment, or what else we have to do while in town.

Tuesday I hope to be online all afternoon and well into the early morning hours. Wednesday I probably won’t be online, but that could change.. just depends.

Okay, I am signing off of here for now and I will do my best to make the next post happy. In fact, it will be full of sunshine and fucking butterflies.


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