My Blog

The Good Outweigh the Bad

I am constantly reminded of how lucky I am to have such an amazing group of fella’s. Without blasting the bad, I just want to say thank you to those who are genuinely good and kind. There are a lot of hustlers, on both sides of the aisle, that play games, but I am fortunate enough to have an unbelievable group who keep their word, make no promises they don’t intend on keeping, and who give well in advance of ever receiving anything it return.

I just want to say thank you to those of you who do not waste my time pretending you are going to do a Skype show and then shocked that $2.50/minute for 60 minutes will equal $150 total. I mean, I am no math whiz, but I do own a calculator. I am also not a fan of having the same conversation over and over again, expecting a different result. So, for those of you that have never asked me about Skype shows more than once, as though it was the first time, thank you! One last thing, if you have always respected my rates and never asked for a freebie, thank you! Oh, and thank you for not being shocked when I call you on your bullshit!

Yeah, I might have blasted the bad just a little bit. Now, back to the good! Let me just say that the good (being most of you) definitely outweighs the bad (that being the douchebags). I am grateful for that! *hugs*


    • lonestarangel

      LOL!!! This one has asked me about a Skype show twice now. I give him my rate, which is $2.50/minute with a 10 minute minimum. The first time he said- oh wow, I want to do that but I don’t have $25 right now. The second time, after I gave him my rate, he asked how much an hour would be, mentioning he is a bit low on cash…. Um, I am all for charity, but a private cam show is not fucking charity. He has always been a bit touched and I think it is time I cut him loose.

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