My Blog

Absent Online

G’morning!! There have been a lot of happenings in my world that has kept me offline for a good portion of May.

A577C0F6-80E5-4303-80E8-EFB56CB30C33We started the month in Mexico, which was an amazing experience. One that Devil keeps mentioning will become a hot spot for us. I swam with manatees and dolphins and was kissed by a sea lion! I bought a floppy hat and wore bright colors like a tourist, and was very happy about it! As soon as we landed in Austin we had to start preparing Devil for major back surgery. It ended up being much harder than we were even aware of, but after 2 weeks of appointments and tests, he was ready for the big day. It was an early morning that started with another epic storm. It seems we are having record breaking storms each time a new system passes through the state. We were a bit late to the check-in, but with the weather and constant road work, they were fine with us being 20 minutes behind schedule. After three days in the hospital, they told us that he could stay in one more day, but if we were ready to go home they would release him. He had some severe nerve pain, but the lack of sleep was beating both of us so we opted for home. They were constantly running vitals and administering meds, but 35% of the interruptions were not related to him. One was two construction guys checking on a reported leak from the windows. Another was a machine tech making sure all of the devices were stamped with current dates and not expired. So, despite the severe pain, a good nights sleep sounded much better than staying one more night in a place that refuses to actually allow one to recover. Once home we found a routine and a schedule for meds, but I could not seem to shake the feeling of being run down. Thankfully after a week of being a recluse I am bouncing back and look forward to getting back to a normal routine online.

I hope that you will join me tonight at 8p EST on Streamate, or via the banner on my site for member’s for the Monday night member’s show.


  • dwwindsor

    Those that know and care need no explanation. Those that know but don’t care, or don’t know because they do not care are not worth the energy to inform. Get good and rested. The interruptions of a few weeks are as grains of sand in the hourglass of years.

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