My Blog

The Loner

Predita had three in her original litter, two being George and Gizmo and one was a loner. She never got a name because she was rarely seen, nor did she socialize with the others. With the rest gone, she was the last stray that I needed to catch, but since she was never around, I wasn’t sure how to go about setting a trap. I decided to stop feeding our cats outside for a few days and yesterday I noticed she was sitting a the empty food bowl waiting for me. When I walked up on the deck she ran behind some plants, but didn’t vacate the area. I set up a trap, leaving food in the cage and within 2 minutes she was caught. Granted, she was pissed off and no longer hungry, but I left the food and some water in there for her over night.

The dog catcher picked her up 20 minutes after I called and he gave me some great news! The kittens have already been adopted out, but will not be released until they are bigger and George and Gizmo are already in a home. WOOT! George, I had a soft spot for her!

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