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Pfft!: Laundry

I don’t know anyone who enjoys the chore of doing laundry. It is a necessary task, but one that is time consuming, even if you have a system in place. You have to gather up the dirty clothes, sort them, wash, dry, fold and put away. The only time I LOVE laundry is when every basket is empty and all clothes are put away. This might be my least favorite chore to do. I will clean the entire house without disdain, but laundry, well, I will not make that same promise. I need laundry fairies to visit me while I’m asleep but they’d have to be very quiet or else I’ll freak out. lol.

What is your least favorite household chore?


  • dwwindsor

    You have to sort the laundry? I guess you learn something new every day. My least favorite household chore, dusting. As soon as you think you are done you notice that little spot there and that other little spot over in that other place. Before you know it there are hundreds of little spots one missed on the initial pass through and it winds up taking far longer than planned for. All of this to just remove that which will be back in place by sunrise tomorrow.

    • lonestarangel

      True, dusting is a never ending task. When the door opens, a layer falls into place and it grows. I don’t mind cleaning as much as I hate laundry though.

  • iceman777

    I’ll trade ya Angel. I DO enjoy doing laundry. However I hate dusting, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning the bathrooms and litter boxes. When can you get up here? LOL

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