My Blog



Yesterday was an amazing day from the beginning to the end, for many reasons. I had a great start to the day and it continued on throughout the morning, into the afternoon and through the evening.

It was a great day to celebrate elephant’s and it is heartwarming to see a change in how they are protected and admired. In just the last couple of years advocates have spoken out against the ivory trade, trophy hunters, circus’ and zoos. Sanctuaries for these gentle giants, along with protecting their natural habitats have formed and a bond between human and elephant continues to grow stronger.

We have domesticated animals, right or wrong, we continue to claim another being as ours. I have dogs and I have cats, but to own an elephant, a tiger or a giraffe is outrageously cruel. They are meant to live as free as you and me. They love. They grieve. They play and they fight. They are a part of a community they create and they stand by one another. They are happy. They are lonely. They are sad and they are happy. They are as close to humans as any other species and yet we capture them and force them to do tricks that none of us would ever dream of doing ourselves. They fight back, but only to hold onto what little pride they still have in captivity. It is rare that one fights until the death of their human captor. They are a true gentle giant and they should be celebrated and free.

Any animal in captivity is abused and it saddens me to think that we are only on the brink of doing right by them. My hope is that in my lifetime the elephant population will grow to an all time high and that circus’ will be a thing of the past and all zoos will be a distant memory. I wish for more sanctuaries and refuge homes will be created and with each animal a priority, the human society educated and informed on what is right for the animal kingdom.

I want so much to hug an elephant, and I do hope that one day I will, but it will have to be one who is living amongst his family and who does not fear for his safety and is not hugging me for peanuts. And, when that day comes, he will love me back! lol.


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