My Blog


It seems we were just in August and here we are halfway to October! August is my least favorite month because of the extreme Texas heat, but this year we had more rain that we have ever had this time of year. It made for early blooms, tall grass and 75 degree days. It made for a beautiful month, despite the high humidity. In fact, fall may very well be near because the acorns are dropping at a fast rate. To hear the acorns drop brings a smile to my face because that means the trees are healthy. In my area most properties have been plagued with Oak Wilt. It is a disease that attacks the oaks and once it sets in, it takes three months to completely kill the tree from root to end of every branch. It hit this area in the 80’s and my property was spared, while all others were not. So far this outbreak has overlooked us again. We need to trim them, but I am hesitant to do so because that will make them more susceptible to the disease.

So, that was August, and this is September. It started with the knee surgery and a brief hospital stay, and then home for the recovery process. A week into the recovery I flew off to PHX to celebrate Rob’s birthday and then Dawn and I drove to Flagstaff, just 2.5 hours north of PHX; what a difference just a couple hours makes as far as climate and cooler temperatures. Everyone keeps asking me for details on what a girl’s weekend is like with Dawn. We walked to dinner the first night and then returned home to drink in the comfort of leggings, socks and a sweater. We drank, but moderately, before going to bed. Saturday we enjoyed a morning with no plans before driving to the downtown area to window shop. It was perfect because neither of us are shoppers, but it was enjoyable to walk around for an hour or so. We bought matching bracelets, which makes me smile each time I wear it. We spent the rest of the time at the house, tweeting, talking, drinking and playing ToyBlast, which she got me hooked on. It is a fun, mindless game, but it also takes strategy. lol. Sunday we woke up early and was on the road by 9a, back in PHX by noon. The rest of the day was spent visiting with Rob and watching football.

This last week since I have been home has been busy with Devil’s knee recovery. It consisted of follow up appointments, home health nurse visits and physical therapy. I have had so many of you asking about him, and it warms my heart to know that those of you that I call “mine” really do care. He has had a rough recovery, in large part due to his RA (rheumatoid arthritis), but he is slowly showing signs of improving and is now where most people are the day after surgery.



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