My Blog

Do Not Assume . . .

Do not assume that when you take me private that I am going to use racial slurs, or call myself disparaging names. I am not into using foreign objects either, so going private with the assumption that I will give in because you are paying a per minute rate will prove fruitless on your part. Also, typing over and over – DO IT DO IT DO IT, is going to result in nothing but frustration for you.

big-agency-imageI do role-play, but if you take me private and then tell me to “RP something”, I will be at a loss as to what you want. Do you want, mom/son, sexy neighbor, controlling boss, mistress? WHAT? As shocking as it is, I am not a mind reader.

If you want a RP, let’s discuss before going private so I can mentally prepare myself for you. lol.

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