My Blog

This Week in Football

imagesI am just as gobsmacked as you are that football has found its way into my blog. However, here we are and I have joined Dawn Marie’s football pool! It is fun, I have to say, although, I know nothing there is to know about picking teams. I just simply pick between two “options” for each game and sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.

For the first time I have chosen the Cowboys. It was between them or Chicago and I asked DM which team I should pick. It does not take one with a brain to know her answer to that question. I am going with the Saints for a third week in a row but if they prove to be a three time loser, I won’t pick them again. I am sticking by Denver because they are still the most recent super bowl champ and the Patriots because everyone loves to hate them and they are always in the media, plus, they win more than they lose. I forget the rest of my picks but I am certain I stuck with Seattle because I could so live there and be happy.

If you are mine and you have always enjoyed the fact that I spend all football season voicing my disdain for the sport, do not fret, nothing has changed. lol.

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