My Blog

A Keurig Coffee Maker

keurig-introWe are in San Antonio, staying at a downtown hotel, right on the Riverwalk. I am not a fan of the three blocks of concrete that lines the river, creating a walkway for tourists to explore the gimmicks of the city that have no connections to the ethnicity that created the town. The hotel is nice enough and there is a Vietnam POW-MIA convention so there is an abundance of old people. That makes me happy just walking through the lobby. We are in SA for a Diamond Convention; I am not an attendee, if that is what you think, but Devil is the event photog and has been for three years now. The people are down to earth, believe it or not, and they are entertaining to watch, especially during cocktail hour and afterwards. We found out last night that the convention begins tonight at 6p, which made me ecstatic because today I have spent most of it in bed. One would think I would take the time to catch up on sleep but, alas, I am wide awake and playing games on my phone and tweeting from time to time.

I wish I could report that I am enjoying a great cup of hotel room coffee, however, they have a Keurig Coffee Machine and it is not brewing, no matter how many times I have hit the goddamn brew button. It lights up, then turns off. WTF? Seriously, these machines are ridiculous and cannot be cheaper than an old fashioned coffeemaker that is easy to operate and always works. Furthermore, if I cannot get it to work, how are all of the POW’s going to enjoy coffee? I just want coffee right now. If there was a coffee god, or a god at all, I would be praying to HER (lol). Instead, I decided to blog my frustrations to you. Also, I forgot AMP. I might have to pop open a beer, just to get through this. lol.

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