My Blog

Kiz-mit, -met, kis-

This post is for Dwwindsor, and for anyone else who reads my blog. lol.


[kiz-mit, -met, kis-]



fate; destiny.
It is in the dictionary and that makes kismet a real, factual existence of a word. Yeah, just don’t think about what I just typed. Here is what I know: sometimes things happen in life and they are just meant to be. Such as you residing in Ohio, which is perfect. It would not be Perfect Ohio if you were not there, and you would not be there if you were in New Jersey. Making Ohio nothing more than the Buckeye state. Yes? Okay then, it is kismet. You are welcome. *hugs*
PS – Mercury in retrograde is a thing.


  • dwwindsor

    Angel went for a stroll in her neighborhood.
    She ran into poor parched Mercury.
    “What Kismet we have met,’ said she,
    “For I should like to know
    Art thou in retrograde?”
    “Alas,” replied poor desiccated Mercury,
    “even retrograde would be a change
    So lovely from this dreary track
    I am forever forced to pace
    By that unrelenting bully Gravity.
    Oh to be in Earth’s cool plane.”

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