My Blog

November is a Month Full of Thanks! (A month late)

November holds the best day of the year, and Outlaw’s birthday! Both of which makes this a month to be happy and celebrate! It is the end of summer and the beginning of fall for us in Texas and winter for you northerners. Although, if you are in OZ that means summer is in full swing and it is heating up. This time of year always makes me happy because the weather is changing, the wind is blowing and change is in the air. There is beauty in every scene, whether it is the birds flying south, the leaves blowing against the house or the clouds giving off an ominous air, it is all heartwarming. 

(I started this blog post at the end of October and here we are about to start December.)

Instead of telling you my hopes and wishes for your month of thanks, let me share with you a recap of mine. 

We survived Devil’s knee surgery and November was the first he started to move and become active again. That was a huge relief and it was nice to get him out of the house so I could have some alone time again. Not that I am selfish, but I was about to smother him with his pillow. Not really, but seriously, it was time. 

The August rains made for weeds of plenty and all of my vines took off and bloomed well through the month because it was warmer than usual for this time of year. I hope they are able to go dormant if we do have a winter, or else they may not survive. I don’t suppose that would be a bad thing, except I don’t need to help Dwwindor with his record keeping. He already has Zai- the unlucky bamboo tree and the Ivy that just disappeared one day from existence. Oh, and then there was the three bamboo shoots in a vase that did not survive life in a jar of water. 

I spent most of the month scattered in chaos, while trying to maintain some sense of my routine. I think I might have failed, but it is about to be a new month and I am determined to try again. 

We spent ten days in Arizona with Dawn Marie and Rob, which is always refreshing and a great way to disconnect for awhile. The weather as much warmer than last November but by the time we left it was cold and raining. 

Thanksgiving Day was quiet and mostly relaxing. Devil and DM did most of the cooking and prep work and the group was much smaller than last year. It was perfect. 

The drive home was somewhat easy and mostly uneventful and instead of stopping over in El Paso, as planned, we drove straight through and was home by 1130p. Tony came rushing into his food bowl and then was more than happy to take on my hugs. He is such a lover, even when he does not want to be and much to his chagrin, he gets a lot of love from me! 

Now that December is near let us hope that it is quick and painless. 



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