Wishlist Requests
I continue to be amazed and surprised by the generosity of my fella’s and ladies. As the holidays quickly approach us I have had several requests to add to my wishlist. I have added a few items here and there, but there is one person who continues to look at the list and he is displeased each time. Although, he is thoughtful enough to want to send a gift, I have added to my list three different times for him, without any hint of what he wants to send as a gift.
If you want to send something but nothing on my list appeals to you, be specific in asking me to update it. Such as, “I would love to send you lingerie, or a sexy teddy, and my favorite color is blue.” That will then result in several options added for you to choose from, all in shades of blue.
You have great peeps that spoil you, as they should 🙂
I am very fortunate that my guys are a generous and thoughtful bunch.