My Blog

DB: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Last week during one of my evenings on Chaturbate one of my ladies informed the room, which was mostly men, that generally a “douchebag” is a male. I could not stop laughing and that made me curious so I asked the google machine “what causes someone to be a douchebag” and I found a site that amused me enough to share with you. (You are welcome. lol)

According to my source, there are millions of men worldwide that have been infected by this douchebag syndrome and apparently there is no cure. It is advised that you treat douchebags with kid gloves because their emotions are fragile and they may become butt hurt at any moment. (That is my own interpretation)

It is uncertain as to where or how the disease originated, and there are a lot of theories, but allow me to suggest that it is as simple as bad parenting. 

All males are at risk, but if you did not develop a douchebag syndrome in high school or college, you are most likely safe. With that said, don’t become infected because that would be tragic. If you are not easily influenced by others, you are also mostly safe. If you are a male living in New Jersey I suggest you move because apparently that is a cess pool of douchebaggery! Whew! What a relief it is that Dwwindsor and Hedo are no longer residents of that area. You both are safe! *hugs* Also, weak-heart males who have low self-worth and I am happy to say none of my fella’s fit that description, or else they would not have lasted long. Congratulations to all of you, I have found no douchebaggery in our community. 

There are too many symptoms to list, but to name a few, those who refer to females as slut, whore or bitch, because she is strong and intimidates you. The excessive use of the word “bro” and wearing “wifebeaters” every day. 

If you are curious, douchebag syndrome in females is called princess syndrome. 






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