My Blog

The Best of 2016

According to everyone on Twitter, in the media and most people I know, they are of the opinion that 2016 was the worst year to date. I disagree in that our economy was not in a recession, jobs were aplenty, and no world war loomed in the shadows.

If I were to see it from their viewpoint, I probably would not disagree as much as I do. I mean, we lost some great people, but that happens when you do drugs and live as though you are invincible. That is not to say that they deserved it, it’s just that not each loss was a shock. Take Prince for instance, hypocrite, yes, weird in his beliefs, yes and drug riddled because no one ever said no to him, yes. So, that one was not shocking. I also understand that there were many people lost, especially those who rose to fame in the 1980’s and it feels as though childhoods are being ripped apart and coming to an end. I think that is ridiculous! Okay, so they are gone. No one lives forever, for fuck sake, and some were getting up in age. It happens, not just to celebs.  

Because I would like some interaction, I would like to hear from each of you on what you consider to be the best of 2016, and it can be anything. 


    • lonestarangel

      OMG! Your birthday and our girls weekend was the highlight of my year! It was amazing to celebrate your birthday with you because of how much you love your day!

  • dwwindsor

    “According to everyone on Twitter, in the media and most people I know,
    they are of the opinion that 2016 was the worst year to date.”

    Not the place to argue the point but the above does bring to mind an old Russian story appropriate to this topic.

    A Russian was asked how the day was.

    The Russian replied, “Not as good as yesterday, better than tomorrow though.”

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