My Blog

VNA Show Tonight

Hello! I was going to cancel another week of VNA, just out of spite, I guess, but then I received an email from Gregg with two g’s. He started off with some concern and then he explained that I have never cancelled a member’s show, without rescheduling. Five minutes later I was on the schedule for tonight because he was right. I have always kept my word when it comes to my site and what I offer, which are eight member shows a month, with a few bonus shows thrown at you, sometimes without much notice. It is the Monday and Tuesday night shows that never waiver, and I am not about to change that. 

If you are leery of joining my site because you have been a member of someone who never does her promised member shows, you can rest assured, if I have to cancel I will always reschedule in the same week. No matter when your membership expires, you will still enjoy the 8 shows I promised you when you joined. Allow me to extend the holiday special to you for ONLY $13.95 – it will end soon!

PS – if you are on Twitter, follow @ournakedsecrets (the new network that hosts my website)


  • dwwindsor

    This is for all of you non-members and casual readers of this blog who might be entertaining the idea of joining Angel’s site.

    If Angel says you will get your eight shows you can take that to the bank. Angel has cancelled shows in the past, she is after all not a robot, thank God. Yet she has always rescheduled with perhaps a miss or two in the seven years I have been a member. For those of you mathematically inclined that means she has made over 99% of her shows, either scheduled or rescheduled.

    Eight shows, so what you may ask, as well you should. Angel is also online frequently and that equates to far more than eight shows for the lowest possible membership. Further, you get access to an amazingly witty, funny, insightful, thoughtful, kind, caring, and intelligent woman who also just happens to be a naturally sexy performer, who never, ever, disappoints.

    Drop in some time and ask a regular, none will lie to you and all will tell you it is an investment worth making.

    • lonestarangel


      You are always so supportive and full of encouragement; thank you! Your words are truly amazing and comforting, especially from someone such as yourself. It means a lot that you would take the time to write what you did. *hugs*

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