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Say what you will about horoscopes and fortune tellers, but I do believe that there is something about ones zodiac sign. Maybe not every character “flaw” fits, but water signs love the water, earth signs are more in tune to becoming one with Buddha (yeah, I made that up), and I don’t remember the rest, but whatever. I think there is something to your zodiac sign and the month you were born. I will dissect my own sign, just to make a point. It could be said I am bull-headed and stubborn, a work horse and very practical. What does not fit me is that taureans tend to be over-indulgent and needs excessive materialistic items to be happy. I am the exact opposite. Bulls want a happy home and a stable relationship. Yes, that is definitely me. However, it is claimed that we are a sappy bunch of sentimentalist and can be possessive with our mate. That is most definitely not me! None of it. I am dependent and need a schedule without change, and will work until a project is complete. 

So, I would say I am mostly a Taurus and what qualities I lack, my twin brother has. In other words, Mom had her hands full because with both of us, we fit the sign to a T.

Now with that said, they are trying to add a 13th sign to the zodiac and I say that is nothing but fucking hogwash! First of all, there are 12 months, not 13 and secondly, I am a Taurus, not a whatever it is they have added. Also, it only effects the first few days of the month, all others stay the same. That is ludicrous! It is so far fetched I am not even going to read the articles explaining how the moon has changed in its gravitational orbit and now it is being pulled towards the abyss of make believe! 

Dwwindsor, I can already see you shaking your head. I will read up on your sign and see how much of a Libra you are. lol. 


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