My Blog

Built up Rant

Several months ago our neighbors contacted our internet company, but because they are at a lower elevation than we are, they could not get a signal strong enough to work. Our property has hills, dips and slopes in every direction, but at the back of our property there is a high point, that sees the tower (which is needed because it is line-of-site-internet). When they all discussed it with me, I specifically said, as long as it does not interfere with my world, I am okay with it. But, with that said, I want it running strong and stable before my internet is moved to the new pole. That did not seem to be a problem. Of course, words is all it was. WORDS that held no fucking meaning. After several weeks of having interruptions at random times, and having video drops on all of the networks I stream from, I decided it had to be the new pole. It makes since, right? It wasn’t too bad at first, so I didn’t make a big deal out of it, other than texting the guy to ask him if he could check on it. For the last four weeks it has been so bad I cannot maintain a schedule of any kind. It seems that if it is not Streamate causing frustrations, it is my fucking internet. I have sent him so many text messages without a response that it is not even funny. Yesterday I sent him one that said – This is ridiculous. I agreed to do a favor for our neighbors which would give them decent internet and in turn gain a new customer for you. I am the one that is the most effected by this and unless it gets resolved ASAP I am not paying for your LACK of service. I have been reasonable and somewhat understanding, but to be brushed off as though I am not a business customer has to end. – Do you think I received a reply? NO! Which fucking pisses me off! I feel like telling him to cancel it, leaving us without internet. I mean, I can cam for an hour here, 20 minutes there, and maybe 3 hours in the middle of the night, but the video feed is shitty at best. What is the fucking point. 

Today Devil sent him a text and he received a reply. WHAT? You think that would make me happy but it fucking pissed me right the fuck off! What a bunch of fucking jackasses. 

The internet has been fixed… for now. And, I seriously hope that when he says he found the problem, that only took him 5 fucking minutes to locate, and he has resolved the issue that it is actually fixed. 

While I am at it, can I just go on to another rant? I fucking hate cam sites that start off amazing and then they make bank and let it run itself, giving no support for those who utilize their services. I understand that a majority of those in the cam industry are high maintenance, pansy waisted, lazy fools, but I am not. I mind my own business, create no drama, keep my complaints to myself (and you guys lol), and stay somewhat reliable. It would be nice to be able to contact a company and receive a response that is of use. I opened a ticket on SP because I am having trouble getting the new software installed and they responded with a blanket email that was probably automated, and I replied to them just to get a quick reply informing me they tagged me as spam. Are you fucking kidding me. What the fuck? Seriously, I am at a loss. Fuck Spam. 

Something else that is currently pissing me off, but not necessarily from today, are backhanded comments. There is no need for that fucking bullshit, ever. EVER! 

I have a lot more to rant about but I think I should stop right now. lol. On the brighter side of life, it is raining today. 


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