My Blog

What Comes to Mind?

I enjoy blogging only because you all have shown so much support and interaction. Without you, it would be boring and I would ultimately just be talking to myself. 

It has been awhile since I have posted a thread that requires interaction, so here it goes . . . 

  1. The first person needs to tell us what is on your mind. It can be anything, everything or just one thing, but I want to hear about it. 
  2. The second person needs to respond to the first and then in another paragraph to tell us what is on your mind. 
  3. The third person does just as the second, and so on… 

Make sense? Okay go! 


  • dwwindsor

    Though many would claim that the only thing on my mind are words, and a profusion of them at that, what is on my mind now is this, why do we value character in those we know personally but seem to care not at all about character in those we do not personally know?

    • Cliff

      Good question, case in point, Trump. I can understand why people are frustrated with government and want change. But Trump’s character is pretty despicable. His attitude towards, women, minorities, truth are awful. Vote republican (if you must), but this guy? Which leads into my current thoughts.
      Congress just approved Mnuchin for Treasury, along with the other banksters, billionaire buddies and sycophants he’s put in his Dr. Caligari’s cabinet. The current GOP congress is just using Trump as a scapegoat for the ever increasing backlash that’s sure to erupt eventually. I think both parties need new leadership (just read Hillary is running in 2020) and need to rethink their priorities, which should be serving the public. They need to be held accountable.

      • lonestarangel

        Neither party had a good candidate. I hope this gives the RNC and DNC a wake up call, and hopefully they will rebuild from the ground up for 2020 – but not likely. On that note, it has made SNL somewhat amusing for about 5 minutes each week.

        What is currently on my mind is how amazing you guys are to me. You always join the VNA hours, show up with much needed patience on Streamate and you follow me to Chaturbate without notice. Thank you one and all!

        • cowboybubba

          It is our pleasure to follow you. You are one of the kindest, loving, caring people I know. You keep track of all your fellas and the big events in our lives. How you do it I have no idea… or is it the memory of an elephant?

          What is currently on my mind? How do I pin down one thing? Maybe the current tendency to violence that has become of the “peaceful protest” in our society. It seems people will protest for the smallest thing these days. And, it seems, will turn to violence at the drop of a hat. Makes me sad…

          • lonestarangel

            Thank you for your kind words; that means a lot to me. I feel I have dropped the ball lately, but hopefully I will get back on track soon enough…

            I think those that riot are not part of the overall protest, but people who just want to destroy, for the sake of being scum. Protesting is a right we, as Americans, have and should be allowed to exercise, or else those that fought for us in generations past did so in vain. There is a level of unrest in this country and it is not on any one party, in my opinion. Finger pointing will not solve anything, but working together would be a great start to moving forward, not backwards.

            Okay, what is on my mind? A lot, but here is just one snippet that I think is share-worthy. I used to think that Zoo’s were good in that they were a platform to educate young minds and to share the amazing world of the animal kingdom. However, in recent years I have come to realize I was wrong. Granted, there are a few that are decent and they take loving care of their animals. With that said, it is a prison to all that should be free and in the wild. Manatee’s are the only animals that are safer in captivity, while all others have a diminished life of sadness and angst. I believe in sanctuaries and rescues because they are not a business as much as a caring home for animals who have been sorely mistreated at the hands of the human race. They survive on donations and give the residents the home they deserve. While not in the wild, the closest to it for them to prosper and enjoy their later years in life. After being in captivity for most of their life, it would be a travesty to return them to the wild. They would not survive. Most sanctuaries have thousands of acres, that are fenced in, with sleeping quarters and enough land for them to roam and feel free. Support sanctuaries and say no to the zoo’s!

          • dwwindsor

            Most zoos do not survive on gate receipts but on research
            grants. End zoos and my first question is can sanctuaries pick that up or will several generations of researchers be put out of a job with the knock-on deleterious effect on research. That research by the way has, and may continue to, save multiple species from extinction. Another thought worthy of research is would the elimination of zoos cause a decline of interest in the welfare of animals leading to even greater pressure against those in the wild. Sanctuaries might take the place of zoos in both of the above, along with modern communication and networking technologies but there should be some degree of certainty before we inadvertently toss the baby out with the bath water.

            What is on my mind? There are barbarians among us who worship so intently at the altar of the rib eye they never consider what goes best with a rib eye. So, what are the best fixins?

          • cowboybubba

            Just my opinion on this one…. The best fixins for a rib eye are baked potato, green beans, and buttered bread. You must also figure in a nice piece of apple pie or chocolate cake for desert.

            What is currently on my mind? Do you risk the relationship by watching the next episode without your show buddy?

          • lonestarangel

            I have a lot to say now..

            DW – You do make very valid points, and I cannot disagree with you on any of them. However, I think the Zoo’s need to be regulated more and monitored for safe and healthy environments. The San Diego Zoo was one of the best, as was the PHX and, of course, Steve Erwin’s Australian Zoo. They have put a lot of money into each enclosure so the animals are in their natural habitat and cared for. With that said, The San Antonio Zoo has an elephant that is not well cared for and she is the sole survivor of her herd, yet they will not transfer her to a sanctuary. Then their is the Omaha Zoo where all of the animals looked depressed, especially the lonely giraffe that was locked outside while his buddies were inside eating. He was stressed and freaking out. I wish I could say that was a rare occurrence but the trail outside the barn was worn and dug in, as though he paces outside often.

            I know this is not mine to comment on, but I cannot leave this unsaid – A ribeye is good on its own, so the sides are not as important, but the “best fixins” would be mashed potatoes and cream corn.

            Bubba, yes, you would absolutely be risking the relationship if you were watched the next episode without your show buddy. There would be irreparable damages if you committed such an offensive crime! Do not do it!

          • lonestarangel

            Oops! I forgot to tell you what is on my mind, as DW so thoughtfully pointed out.

            There are bluebonnets in Texas already, which is 2 months too early. I am certain the world is near the end. But seriously, our summer is going to be unbearably miserable! Ack!

          • Cliff

            Yep, the climate getting thrown outta whack is not good. The insects that expect the flowers will show up too late, or if they show up on time, the birds relying on the insects to feed their babies run short of food. It’s a cascading effect that harms the entire ecosystem. But hey, the EPA is going away, so problem solved right? The World Health Organization published a report in September that 92% of the world’s population breaths unhealthy air. Thanks EPA for keeping USA in the 8% minority (mostly).

            On my mind now?

          • lonestarangel

            Pfft! Fuck the EPA, who needs it? lol.

            Okay, so do not respond to that comment, but answer me this:

            How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

          • hmfast

            probably would vary from woodchuck to woodchuck. I’m sure there would be wood chucking enthusiasts that live to chuck wood as well as those that see wood chucking as a pointless endeavor for a wood chuck to waste his time on.

            As for what’s on my mind. I’m supposed to start talking to realtors this week and I find myself torn between being glad that the months of saving is almost over and i’ll finally know where my family will live as well as know what my mortgage will bee, and hesitating because this is a major decision that will affect my family’s future and I don’t want to rush it.

          • lonestarangel

            Okay, I am breaking my own rule, again, but I must reply to your response to me about woodchucks. Anyone who thinks wood chucking is a pointless endeavor for a woodchuck to waste his time on is no wood chuck enthusiast! Why the fuck are woodchucks called woodchucks? Because they fucking chuck wood! lol.

            Now, onto your thoughts. First of all, let me say that it must be an incredible feeling to have set a goal and accomplished it, even when it seemed far fetched. Second, I have no doubt the next step is an overwhelming one, but also a happy process. You have already succeeded and now it is time for you to move into the next phase of your plan. You should take your time, look around, decided on location and long term benefits of each house you look at. You still have time to make the final decision so don’t rush this next step in your ultimate goal, which is your family. *hugs*

            What is on my mind? A lot, and nothing at all. I sometimes wonder how we all made it to this point in our lives, but then I realize that every day led up to this one and today will lead to another.

          • hmfast

            looked it up on wikipedia lol

            A traditional, if nonsensical, “response” to the question is: “A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood”.[5]

            A 1957 Associated Press piece refers to the question as “a riddle which beats the Sphinx, since it’s still unanswered”.[6]
            A more concrete answer was published by the Associated Press in 1988,
            which reported that a New York fish and wildlife technician named
            Richard Thomas had calculated the volume of dirt in a typical 25–30-foot
            (7.6–9.1 m) long woodchuck burrow, and had determined that if the
            woodchuck had moved an equivalent volume of wood, it could move “about
            700 pounds (320 kg) on a good day, with the wind at his back”.[7][8] Another study, which considered “chuck” to be the opposite of upchucking, determined that a woodchuck could ingest 361.9237001 cubic centimetres (22.08593926 cu in) of wood per day.[9]

            Another proposed response comes from the parody-filled video game Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge,
            where the protagonist asks a carpenter the question and gets the
            response: “A woodchuck would chuck no amount of wood since a woodchuck
            can’t chuck wood.”[10]

            On the path of life only your current step truly matters. The past is unchangeable and the future is an abstract idea. It’s only your current step that you have any true choice. Though I admit to wondering what my life would be like if I had made different choices or the circumstances of my birth were different.

            As for what’s on my mind…trying to decide what I’m going to eat for breakfast

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