My Blog

She is Not Me and I Am Not Her

Over the years I have shot with a lot of amazing women; beautiful and kind. Some were on the edge of crazy, but most were ladies that I considered friends. All but a few have moved on from their online persona, leaving no forwarding address or web footprint for those who followed their work. 

More times than not, when someone disappears from online they still keep in touch with those they became close to. I hear from ladies of the past from time to time; they fill me in on the happenings with family and what new changes are going on in their lives. 

The reason for this post is because I have had a sudden surge of emails from people, two yesterday before 9a, asking me about certain ladies who are no longer online. First off, you should know that I will never share anything with you about someone else. Second, it is rude to email a lady asking about another woman. Third, could you be any more obtuse? Lastly, if she wanted to keep in touch with you, she would have. I apologize for assuming that was obvious. 

Now join my site. lol. 


  • hmfast

    I think it’s natural if you’re worried about someone to ask someone you think might know how they’re doing, but you’re right in not giving out any personal info when you don’t know their relationship.

    I remember years ago when I was more into online gaming I had taken a break of about 2 months for personal reasons. When I got back, I had found out a new player I had helped and given advice to had been asking about me non-stop and the only thing my friends would tell him was that I was ok and just taking a break. I was actually legitimately disturbed not only by the almost obsession, but some of the conversations he had with my friends and was glad they hadn’t given him any more info.

    In this industry, people have to realize that sometimes when people leave the industry, they might want to get away from everything related to the industry.

    • lonestarangel

      You are right, it is natural to ask about how others are doing, if you are concerned and have not heard from them in some time. However, that is on a personal level relationship. The inquiries I have been receiving are from randoms who enjoyed my videos with other ladies and have not seen them join me in some time. When someone leaves the industry, they keep in touch with those they wish to continue a relationship with, and leave no forwarding address for the rest. #justsaying

      It sounds like you have your own fan club obsessions. lol.

      • hmfast

        well, don’t you know you’re supposed to act as a personal secretary for every person you’ve ever worked with? isn’t that part of the contract you signed to become an amateur pornstar :-p?

        yeah I really loved being a mentor to new players in that game, but that was one time I kind of regretted it…well that and a few times people thought that me being helpful meant I was always available to help 24 hours a day everyday

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