My Blog

Blogger Needed

Good grief! It has been a long while since I have blogged and that is unusual for me. I think I need to hire a blogger to fill in what I have been lacking, and that is the ability to maintain this blog. So, who would like the job? It will most definitely come with benefits, or else why would you want to do it for free? I will continue to call you “mine”, expect your weekend plans report Thursday night and a full disclosure conversation in open chat Monday. I will also expect you to keep me amused and laughing, but require you to post at least four threads a week to start with and by the second month it will be required that you do a daily posting. 

In case you missed the initial comment on pay, you will do it for FREE. However, the benefits are endless. 

Just think about it and post your reply here, please and thank you.


    • lonestarangel

      WHAT?? This is unusual for our Resident Bloviator. Would you like to try again before you are disqualified?

      • dwwindsor

        You ask me if I would like to try again. Very well. A key attribute of any good blogger is to produce a minimum of words the maximum amount of the time to adequately convey an immediate thought about a topic of interest to the blogger and incidentally of interest to those who may follow the blog. I would have thought that the paucity of my words rendered so soon after you posted the job would indicate to you my fitness for the position. Was I wrong?

        • lonestarangel

          No, you were not wrong, I just thought you might like to have a second chance, because unlike some places, I was willing to over look the paucity of your words.

          At any rate, you should know someone else has offered to be a fill in blogger and all he requires is that I send him my laundry each week.

          • dwwindsor

            So, you might settle for someone who does laundry. Consider this. Launderers launder many things. One thing they have been known to launder is money. Do you realize the downsize to being associated with a money launder? You may well want to rethink the wages you are willing to pay. Consider further this:

            1. Blogger’s wages are cleaning your island – You have to buy plastic utensils because the bastard walked off with all of your silverware.

            2. Blogger’s wages are cleaning the studio – Your scary, shaggy, pink thingie disappears…oh wait, okay, that might not be a bad thing.

            3. Bloggers wages are cleaning your toilet – Do you want to walk into your bathroom in the middle of the night and find a stranger in your toilet? I thought not.

            4. Bloggers wages are babysitting your neighbors – Do you want to walk in the door and find out that the neighbors have been invited to dinner every night for the next month?

            Something to think about.

          • lonestarangel

            Wow, the imagination on you is endless! lol.

            I will most definitely take in account #1 because that island gets messy just to spite me, I am certain of that! I have come to appreciate plastic utensils because it leaves less work for me to clean up..

            Regarding your #2, my studio stays tidy and mostly clean, so that is an easy job for anyone. (PS I hate the pink shag, myself)

            If anyone is cleaning toilets in the middle of the night they have some serious fucking OCD issues going on. I reject #3 just because if that were to happen, which it won’t, my house would be spotless and I would be happy… clean toilets are a plus!

            Now, #4 is where you are winning this argument. The slim chance my “Launderer” will invite the neighbors over every night for a month makes me want to disappear and never return. So, you are hired.

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