My Blog

What is What

There have been a lot of things going on for the last year, or so, much of the happenings you all have been aware of. In fact, many of you helped when you could, sent flowers, notes and happy thoughts; all of which were appreciated. As we continue to move forward, we embark on the 11th year of my online world. I cannot tell you how much it means to me to have so many of you continue through each passing month with me. You could have easily joined, downloaded the content and moved on, but you stayed. Thank you. In the next few months there are going to be some changes, although, some are difficult to face, I want you to know that I plan to continue here for an indefinite future. The future is an intimidating beast, but sometimes that is what makes it so exciting. 

In the upcoming weekends I will be disconnecting from Social Media, friends and those closest to me. It is something I need to do for me but please do not be alarmed. I am mentally healthy and I have always been able to process life events, but in my own time and in private. 

I will be online through the week days and the weekly member shows will still take place. So, if you are a new member please do not fret, above all else, I take care of those who join my site. No matter what may be going on offline, you guys will never be taken for granted or forgotten and disrespected. 




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