My Blog

My Weekend Disconnect

The Last Tweet before I left: #dailytonypic he is where he is supposed to be and I am heading out for my weekend away.

First, I would like to thank you all for giving me this weekend to disconnect. It means a lot to me that you read my blog, but also that you respected my need to just get away from everything and everyone for a couple of days. Some of you emailed with concerns or and support and it means a lot that you all care as much as you do. 

This weekend was everything I needed and then some. I stayed in bed for a good part of it and got out to eat when I needed to. I just escaped for a couple of days and now I am back for a few before spending next weekend with my girlfriend Jo. It will be a girl’s weekend plus Bo, which will be great fun. 

Thank you, again, for the words of encouragement and concern. This is an amazing community that has been built around my site. It means a lot to me that I have you all in my life. 


  • hmfast

    lol tbh I didn’t see the word “weekend” in the previous post so i misread it as a complete withdrawal from social media. considering my own tendencies, taking a few days here and there is natural and necessary for your mental health

    • lonestarangel

      I am so happy to hear you say that because I am forever grateful for those of you that have become such a strong community. It is amazing to know that I have such amazing people that are a part of my life. *hugs*

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