My Blog

Change in Plans

I hope that this finds you all doing well and enjoying the start of your week. I have had an amazing few days offline, which was very much needed, but unfortunately I will be extending that time by a few days. There are things in my personal life that have taken a turn and I will not be online Tuesday or Wednesday, and possibly not Thursday or Friday. lol. I have separated from Devil and I have asked for a divorce. So, needless to say, my schedule is uncertain at this time but I will continue to maintain my site and once I am settled some place else I will be back on cam. 

For those of you that have been with me for a long while, or even for the last few months, you know this is a rarity for me. And, for those who are new to my site, please know that I will most definitely make it up to you. I appreciate all joins and do not take any of you for granted. If you joined for the member shows, please email me so that I know when your membership expires and I will make sure you get all 8 shows that were promised to you. 

I realize I will be missing two birthday’s and would still very much love to celebrate you both, if it is okay by you.


  • Mollie

    Angel. I’m so sorry to hear that. and I thank I speak for all when I say take all the time you need. you emotional well being is more important. if you need to talk. I’m here as well as many other. Love you and many hugs Mollie

  • cowboybubba

    I fully understand,Hun. Take as much time as you need to get settled. Nothing like makeup time with our Angel…😊😉😙😚

  • Doug

    I’m so sorry to hear this news Angel. However, I believe you will endeavor to persevere these hard times and we as your friends are 100% behind you. Should you need anything, you know where you can reach me.

  • lonestarangel

    To everyone that has sent well wishes – thank you one and all. It means a lot to me that so many of you actually do care.

    I am slowly getting my routine back, but it will still be somewhat scattered. This week I will be online during the days, but probably not in the evenings.

    Next week I hope to be on during the days, but also on CB for a couple nights.

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