My Blog


It has been awhile since I have posted a thread and that is unacceptable! Thank you all for being patient with me during this transition and for always showing support. The community that has been built around my site is refreshing and positive. I enjoyed being online this past week for private sessions and member cam shows. I have truly missed you all and reconnecting was exactly what I needed. 

My cam days will be a little wonky for a few more weeks, but I will start establishing a solid schedule soon. I look forward to those days of being online when I say that I will be and actually keeping my word. 

I have rescheduled Monday’s VNA show for a Saturday slot and I will also need to cancel the Tuesday night show for now. However, I will schedule that for either Wednesday or Friday night, so if one day works best for you, please comment below. As always, I take into account what you all have going on in your lives, despite what it may seem like at times. lol. 

Thank you to everyone that has made time to visit with me this past week. *hugs*


  • dwwindsor

    Wednesday or Friday night, eh? Well, Wednesday night is my Macramé class so that wont work. Friday night is my Making the Perfect Meringue class so that wont work either. I could skip my Thursday night class, The Art of Boiling Macaroni. How about Thursday?

    • lonestarangel

      Okay, Thursday was not an option or I would have asked you if that would work in the thread. However, Thursday does not work for me so I do not care that you have that one day open. I suggest that you attend The Art of Boiling Macaroni class for two reasons: One, I won’t be online and two, considering your current diet you will be eating a lot of soft pasta.

      I do not know what Macrame is, but it sounds like you need a hobby.

  • Mollie

    I’m fine with Wed. or Fri. I’ll be there. Just hoping your doing fine. and taking care of yourself. I don’t get home Sat. till late most of the time so if you don’t see me on VNA that’s why. I do understand why you need to make the change and I’m fine with it. as I said take care of your self first ok HUGS Mollie

    • lonestarangel

      Mollie, you are such a sweetheart! The Saturday show is just a one-time scheduled hour. I will continue to do the Monday night shows, I just do not like to cancel them when I can just reschedule for another day..

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