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Know the Difference

I really do not want to point anyone out specifically, but I feel this post is necessary. lol. I have noticed in conversations that take place in my cam room that sometimes kismet is used when it is not serendipitous at all, but it is karma. 

Karma and Kismet are similar, but hold two different meanings. Let us begin with the word “karma”

To me Karma is when an event occurs and it is of inevitable consequence. Usually, if one is lucky, it is good as a result of positive energy. Sometimes, though, it is because one is a dick and as a consequence one might experience terrible days. Now, with that said, sometimes bad karma happens to good people, but it will always turn around. 


Alright, on to Kismet! This is destiny. These are when two “directions” collide into one. Fate. Destiny. It was serendipitous and meant to be. 

Karma will bite you in the ass, if you are not careful, but kismet will bring destiny together. Okay, really the two are the same, but used in different context, if you ask me. Sometimes kismet is when karma kicks you while you are down, thus, one in the same. 

In conclusion, ignore the title and please carry on as you normally do in my room and I will judge you not, in your use of these two words. 


  • dwwindsor

    Thank you for the clarification. So now I think I have it.

    “It was kismet that we met that night, under the bridge across the River Seine, in Paris; two souls in search of shelter from the rain discovering a shared need for emotional shelter from the turbulent world around us.”

    “Dear Iceberg,

    I just heard about global warming. Karma is a bitch isn’t it?


    RMS Titanic.”

    Did I get it right?

    • lonestarangel

      Yes!!! You grasp the concept of those two words and the proper use of both! Thank you!

      (and thank you for always making me laugh!)

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