My Blog

My Opinion on Fireworks

It is no surprise that I have an opinion on most things that have no real pertinence, such as Hobby Lobby. Anyhow, this is not a post directed at that company because that is a thread for another day…

With the fourth of July next week, I thought it would be a perfect time to give you my rant on fireworks. 

I do not think they should be sold to the general public because common sense is not regulated and there is no need for the dumb to light a firecracker in their closed fist. 

First of all, let’s discuss the obvious. Not all people have the brain to stop and think about their actions. Those actions that could largely impact the rest of us. Wild fires. Firecracker on the loose and straight into a window of an unsuspecting neighbor. A bottle rocket shot into the air and still on fire when it lands on your roof. I am just saying, there are a lot of fire hazards for those without a brain to wreck havoc on the rest of us. 

Second of all, wildlife and domestic pets are unnerved and on edge for a week each time uncle Buck uses rent money to buy out the fireworks stand. Family pets run away, have heart attacks (I am sure of this, without even researching it), are a nervous wreck and cry endlessly, all because it sounds like their world is under attack. 

Thirdly, there are thousands of people each year that are injured due to their own ignorance, but the danger they put others in is maddening! 

Lastly, most towns have their own fireworks show, which is regulated and maintained by the city and monitored by the fire departments. If you don’t want to join the masses and subject your mental health to the crowds of people, then turn your TV on and watch any local news program. I am certain they all have live cams on the fire in the sky show. 


  • Doug

    Well stated Angel. When I resided in NJ, the golf course right across the street had a magnificent fireworks display for their members every July 4th, and they still do. However, when they started around dusk, the show lasted almost an hour and my cats were totally petrified and ran and hid for almost an entire day and they are indoor cats. Here in Vermont they have local fireworks displays shot out over lakes to reduce the fire hazard, but they are few and far between. Should I need to go and witness a professional fireworks display, I will. Fireworks are illegal here in Vermont and I prefer it that way.

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