My Blog

Are You Kidding Me?

Before I start my rant, let me give you the back story so that you will understand the severity of it all. 

June 8th – A text message from Dawn Marie that said – “Forgot to share this with you yesterday.  Hobby has Halloween out already!” If you need a visual, please see the picture directly below . . . 

Today (June 30th) – A text message from DM that said – “I have a blog post for you!!!” Again, if you are a visual person, please see the picture directly below . . .

I took to Twitter:

It really pisses me off to see holiday crap on the shelves 6 months prior to the actual day. I thought it was bad enough that they had Halloween shit out at the beginning of June. We can no longer appreciate the next big day, such as the 4th of July, without being reminded that “Christmas” is right around the corner, in 6 fucking months! I am not a fan of holiday’s, not because I do not believe in them, but because I think the corporations have sensationalized each day just to get people to spend more money on crap they don’t need. Not only are people spending money they probably do not have, but now they are buying trinkets and holiday balls in June, and then again closer to Christmas when they are overjoyed at celebrating Jesus’ birthday by spending money on shit that does not matter! I have to hand it to the big box stores, they have done a great job marketing because now they profit more than just once a year on a holiday. In fact, now instead of Black Friday being the day that they turn the year from a loss into the black, hence the name, they get a jump start on it and probably bank by years end. Seriously, if we could all just boycott the holiday’s, except for Thanksgiving, I think we would be happier. Hell, I know that I would be! It is a shame that families teach kids that Christmas is a gift giving season. It should not be! 



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