My Blog

Many Thanks

I have had many reasons to give thanks over the last several months, but I have fallen short on some. I have been showered with a lot of kindness and generosity by many of you, and I owe more thanks than I will give here, but I figure this is a good start. 

Gree: Thank you for making time for coffee and a muffin the morning you flew into Austin for an over night stay. It means more to me than I can possibly put into words that you took time out of your quick trip for me. 

Nicster: You have always been one of the most thoughtful gentleman I have ever known. You are always quick to check on me, to send me a surprise if you think it will brighten my day and always willing to go above and beyond. Thank you!

Mtnman: If you think something was added to my list that I want for myself, not for online, you are most likely ordering it the day I add it. Whether it is a summer dress, lip gloss or an Emoji Micro Pedi Callus remover. Thank you!

Jimmy: I do not even know what to say. I now have Lou Boutin shoes and a beautiful black dress, thanks to you. I never imagined having a pair of shoes such as those in my collection. Thank you! I hope that you will enjoy the pictures and video that will be added to the site in the next few weeks. 

Red: Thank you for the beautiful pearl necklace and the kimono you brought back from your amazing vacation in China. I also enjoyed having lunch with you twice around my birthday and then a few weeks ago when you were able to take time out of your busy schedule to meet me at our favorite lunch spot. You are a gem. 

Bubba and Hedo: I know that you sent birthday packages to my home address. I am sorry to say that I have not been able to return to pick up those surprises. However, once I pick up the rest of my belongings, I hope to get those as well. Unfortunately, I am not sure when that will be. It all depends on the divorce being finalized and whatnot. Details that do not need to be discussed here. I would like to thank you both for being thoughtful though.

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