• DawnMariesDream

    Well as you know, I just celebrated my birthday, woohoo!! I’m looking forward to a trip to Del Mar to see the Violent Femmes and just relaxing for a couple days. Then August I am back to Chicago 😉 and then off to LA for a long weekend with family. Other than that, just working!! What are you up to??

    • lonestarangel

      Wow! You have a busy month of travel coming up. I admire how connected you stay with family – it is refreshing to see.

      I have to admit, I enjoyed celebrating your birthday with you last year, but I am so happy that you were in Chicago for this one. You deserve the love of your family and g’son and it warms my heart to see…

      I am looking forward to making that same trip with you to Del Mar next week. It will be a fun 3-day trip with you and Rob.

  • Mollie

    It’s hard to top Dawn. so I wont try. I do hope to get to Lake Charles next week end. for a day or two. Mom will be with some of her old friends. she have lots of fun catching up with them. What do you have plan Angel?

    • lonestarangel

      There is no comparison between you and anyone else.. your plans sound like a great way for you to get away from stress for a few days. I do hope that you are able to make it to Lake Charles and that it is a stress free few days for you.

      As for me, I am slowly finding my way, which has been an easy transition for me, surprisingly so. which is probably due to amazing friends and my online community.

      There is nothing new to report on my end, except to say that I look forward to what is to come.

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