My Blog

A Messenger For Ladies and Fella’s

I absolutely adore the community that has developed through my site. Each one of you adds to the personality and sense of humor that keeps me amused. I find myself passing notes between you all and yesterday turned out to be one of the best yet. In case you missed it, the messages started out on Twitter.

After reading my Twitter TL this morning, I received an email exchange with DW, which is below. 

I just read your twits from last night.  Amber/Mollie is a very perceptive person.  It is indeed my doing.  It is how I did it that would really impress people.
You see, I am not what I seem.  I am a mad scientist living incognito in perfect Ohio.  I have developed the wonder of the ages.  A machine that can control the orbits of any heavenly body.  My first experimental use was on Mercury as I figured no one would notice if it went into retrograde, sidegrade, upgrade, or any other sort of grade.  By upsetting the normal orbital patterns of Mercury the knock on effects have been to throw you off line.
I am sorry that you have been impacted by my experiments but it is a small sacrifice to make to my quest for galactic domination.
My response to DW:
I was not aware that you were on a quest for galactic domination. I am sitting here with hurt feelings as I type this through tears streaming down my face. How long have we known each other? You have named elephants, ate brownies in front of me, shared Lily with me, and yet, you have kept your true identity hidden from me. Had you shared it, I could have suggested you rent a specific spot from the green men of Marfa for your point of entry to Mercury. It could have possibly saved you a lot of experimental disappointments and failures. You should have talked to me, that is all I am saying. 
Bravo, bravo.  You have out DWed DW.  Brilliant.  And to think the answer this whole time was Marfa.
I hope you share this whole exchange.  This is vintage Angel.

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