My Blog

A Year’s Supply

Oh my goodness! I received a surprise package from BD264 a couple weeks ago, and was not sure what it could be. The box was heavy and I could not imagine what it could be. When I opened it, I laughed and my day was brightened just at the thoughtfulness of the contents. It is a year’s supply of Ritz Peanut Butter Crackers! Not only does he know I love snacks, but to know that I prefer Ritz over the traditional crackers means he pays attention! Okay, prefer might be the wrong word here.. there are no other brands now that I have tried Ritz. They are so scrumptiously delicious! Here is my theory on how they make them so irresistible for me. They slather a bunch of peanut butter in between two Ritz crackers and then they bake them whole! OMG they are the best crackers ever! 

So, BD, thank you so much for making me laugh and for the endless supply of crackers! I know it was more as a joke, but it was a very thoughtful one at that! 

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