My Blog

An Amazing Community

I am always amazed at what an amazing community we have found and created on – you guys have always been good to me, kind hearted and full of support and good vibes. 

With my #newbeginnings have come some uncertain times and shuffling of addresses and scattered news. Not one time have you guys complained when a gift was shipped to an old address, or for whatever reason, returned by the Post Office with no explanation as to why. Most have wondered, but only few have pried. 

In May I stayed with my Austin friends – JoAnn and Bo, and in June I made the transition to PHX, where Dawn and Rob gave me a place to call home for a couple months. They allowed me to regroup and take my time in deciding what was next for me, never making me feel as though I had overstayed my welcome or was an inconvenience to them. I owe a lot to those four who are my family.

In August I found my own place, and most of you knew that I had settled into my own surroundings, but I gave no details as to what changes were in store for me. 

I am native to Texas, but the summers have been undesirable and I have always wanted four seasons. With that said, I have settled on the Idaho area. I am close enough to a big city, yet far enough away to have my privacy and still enjoy my online world. It is beautiful here and what few people I have met have welcomed me as an outsider moving in. 

I am still getting settled and things are not finished for me in Texas, yet, but hopefully soon. That does not mean I won’t return for weekend visits and fun trips with my girlfriends, but it was a change that I needed to make. One that was not spontaneous or reckless. It was one that was finally in my best interest and one that I stand by. 

My new address is:

PO Box 5733

Twin Falls, ID 83303


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