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To Kill a Mockingbird. BANNED.

My absolute favorite book is “To Kill a Mockingbird”. It was well written and showed a great perspective on the trials and tribulations of life and the life lessons taught to kids who do not see hate, but are confused by the world. It showed an ugly side to the justice system, but also the good that can come from people who are genuinely good. 

The state of Mississippi has chosen to ban this book from their reading list, and after looking further into it, they have put an “x” through a lot of books that were (and still are) required reading material. Like it or not, reading is just as important as math and science. “Farenheit 451” and “Catcher in the Rye”, not to mention “Gone With the Wind”. I am sorry, but that last one is even more ridiculous than some. You cannot delete history and not teaching it is passing on ignorance. What the fuck is wrong with people? I wish they would have banned “The Scarlet Letter” when I was a kid because that is one very disturbing book. But you know, I survived and it did not even traumatize me. You know what is traumatizing? Life in general.

They even banned “Moby Dick” – seriously? Is it because the whales name is fucking Dick? I mean, are they going to suspend every child with the name Dick, or make him go by his middle name? Seriously, who is in charge of our kids besides pansy ass idiots who are too worried about being seen in Church instead of actually being good people and taking care of the kids of our future?

It angers me at what “we” are so easily offended with. Our future generations are going to be pansies if this is what we are teaching them. We live in a society that turns to social media to argue over current events instead of getting off the couch and lobbying for change. We are also the same people who sit in front of TV too much and wait to be offended by something that is not at all offensive. 

We, in my opinion, need to embrace our history, and try not to repeat it. Children are lovers, hate is taught. We can all have our own opinions and still be right, but the hate that has become the norm saddens me. 


One Comment

  • hmfast

    Those are all really important books to read and I’ve never been a big fan of banning any book especially at the high school college level and the reason for banning those is pretty pathetic. Btw if you like “To Kill a Mockingbird” you should read Alex Haley’s “Roots” The book starts with the life of a slave brought over from africa and covers his life experiences as well as his descendants leading eventually to the author himself

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