• Mollie

    Kayla, and Mom. watching the two women who have mean the world to me slowly slipping away. why there not helpless. the free spirits the where just a few years ago are now hand cuffed. and I am helpless to do anything about it, other than make them comfortable and previde for them. that’s has been on my mind more and more. every day Angel, mtnman. bubba, Windsor, outlaw, Zany, WL, cliff, Free. HM, and Texas Red, Thank you for giving me an escape from time to time. I don’t thank you know how much that really means to me

    • lonestarangel

      Big *hugs* to you Mollie. It is hard to watch those you love slip away, but to have someone like you to care for them means the world to both Kayla and your mom. As hard as it is, you will always do right by them; that is who you are. I am sorry that you are going through such hard times that are sad and, no doubt, exhausting. Please know that you will always be welcome in our group/community. You are a big part of what makes life special. Thank you for sharing with us, what is on your mind.

    • cowboybubba

      Never give up…. That got me through some very hard time the past few years. Health, family and friends are all that matter in this life. Money and things will come and go. Love will stay with you. I’m just a phone call away if you need to talk. Let me know and I will have Angel give you my number.

  • Mollie

    Angel and Bubba Thank you both for the support. Both mom and Kayla have their good and Bad day. Most are good, but last Sunday both had a bad day. and it got to me Beth and Annie. mainly because there just not much we can do when there hurting. and you hate to see some one you love hurt like that. but know you have support from friend helps a lot LOVE YOU BOTH XOXOXOO

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